Getting started

Pine is a script language own of Tradingview for adding your indicators and backtesting your trades.

This is a summary of the pine language syntax: you can find,


There are some methods to load your data

//study("My Simple Sample Script") // in a chart space dedicated
//study("My Simple Sample Script", max_labels_count = 500) // in a chart space dedicated with a max label > 50, that it is the default
study("My Simple Sample Script", "", true) // in the main chart

It is important to remember that it is a script language:

Pine draws your indicators and data in the Tradingview charts and in the Data Window. So, it is important to understand which methods you have for debugging your code.

// initialization of a variable
my_numeric_variable = 1
my_string_variable = "H"

// where print something
plotchar(my_numeric_variable, "Numeric variable", "") // on the right, in Data Window
plotchar(bar_index, "Bar Index", "i", location = // on the right, in Data Window and on the main panel, in the chart space, high, my_string_variable) // on each bar
if barstate.islast, low, "L", style = label.style_label_up) // only on the last bar

It is not possible to use

  • plotchar method on Data Window with a string value

  • plotchar and methods in a function

  • plotchar method in a local scope like also a for loop


Pine arrays are one-dimensional. All elements of an array are of the same type, which can be int, float, bool or color, always of series form.

// initialization of a vector
my_numeric_array = array.new_float(0)
for i = 1 to 6
    array.push(my_numeric_array, i)
if barstate.islast // print, high, "my_numeric_array:\n" + tostring(my_numeric_array), style = label.style_label_down, size = size.large)

my_string_array = array.new_string(1, "hello")
array.concat(my_string_array, array.new_string(1, "world"))
array.concat(my_string_array, array.new_string(1, "!"))
if barstate.islast // print, low, "my_string_array: " + array.get(my_string_array, 0), style = label.style_label_up, size = size.large)

my_logic_array = array.new_bool(0)
array.push(my_logic_array, 0)
array.push(my_logic_array, 1)

// operations with arrays
sum = array.sum(my_numeric_array)
mean = array.avg(my_numeric_array)
median = array.median(my_numeric_array)
plotchar(sum, "sum", "")

Weighted average

performance = array.new_float(0)
array.push(performance, 3)
array.push(performance, 7)
weight = array.new_float(0)
array.push(weight, .3)
array.push(weight, .4)
array.push(weight, .3)
weighted_average = array.get(performance, 0) * array.get(weight, 0) + array.get(performance, 1) * array.get(weight, 1) + array.get(performance, 2) * array.get(weight, 2)
plotchar(weighted_average, "weighted_average", "")


The functions could return something or not (see the docs for details). The first function named f_print, it returns nothing, only prints on the chart.

// prints on last bar, in the chart space
f_print(_text) =>
    // Create label on the first bar.
    var _label =, na, _text, xloc.bar_index, yloc.price, color(na), label.style_none, color.gray, size.large, text.align_left)
    // On next bars, update the label's x and y position, and the text it displays.
    label.set_xy(_label, bar_index, highest(10)[1])
    label.set_text(_label, _text)
f_print("My details:\nHigh = " + tostring(high))
f_print(my_string_variable + "ello world!\n\n\n")

The second function named multiply_performance_weight, it returns an array.

// portfolio performance
company = array.new_string(1, "AAPL")
array.concat(company, array.new_string(1, "NFLX"))
array.concat(company, array.new_string(1, "AMZN"))
multiply_performance_weight(_performance, _weight) =>
    _performance_weight = array.new_float(0)
    for i = 0 to array.size(_performance) - 1
        _one_of_performance_weight = array.get(_performance, i) * array.get(_weight, i)
        array.push(_performance_weight, _one_of_performance_weight)
    _performance_weight // return the array

And inner a for loop is not possible to use plotchar method, but only method.

performance_weight = multiply_performance_weight(performance, weight)
weighted_average2 = array.sum(performance_weight)
for i = 0 to array.size(performance) - 1
    if barstate.islast // print, close, array.get(company, i) + ": " + tostring(array.get(performance_weight, i)), style = label.style_label_up, size = size.large)
plotchar(weighted_average2, "portfolio", "") // Cannot use 'plotchar' in local scope.